Efficient water management and stewardship are critical components of operational success, encompassing the careful use and reuse of water resources and acknowledging the limitations on water extraction and discharge within the natural environment.

Water Treatment

We provide a range of water quality services to our clients including site characterisation through to monitoring, discharge permitting and remediation.

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Water Supply

Groundwater and rainwater supplies can be developed to reduce water use on industrial sites, offering potential cost savings, environmental benefits and ensure future supply security. We work with our clients to develop economic water supplies and to optimise the use of existing supplies.

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Groundwater Quality

The impacts to groundwater are becoming increasingly important to understand and address. We offer a broad range of services covering field investigations, conceptual and numerical modelling, remediation, risk assessments and monitoring of groundwater.


Environmental Permitting and Licensing

Industrial and commercial activities have the potential to impact groundwater and surface water conditions and are therefore subject to licensing and permitting by the regulatory authorities. We have extensive experience in obtaining consent and ensuring compliance for a wide range of discharge and abstraction activities.

Environmental Impact Assessments

Groundwater can form a hindrance to engineering and construction, by causing flooding and instability of excavations. We specialise in the investigation, design and implementation of cost-effective dewatering and groundwater control measures.

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GoldSET – Sustainability Tool

Our propriety sustainability modeling software GoldSET is used to assess and develop optimum water stewardship solutions from a sustainability perspective.

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Hydrological and Surface Water Assessment

Hydrological and surface water assessments can be undertaken to provide baseline data for watercourses for discharge consent and also for design of onsite surface water management.

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Flood Risk Assessment and Management Plans

Flood risk is an important environmental consideration for both proposed developments and existing sites of flood risk.

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Climate Change Adaptation Planning

We conduct climate vulnerability risk assessments for existing operations to identify risks such as flooding as well as address corporate sustainability goals, insurance questions and develop adaptation plans.

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Ecosystem Services

We provide ecological studies to assess the potential impacts from development or abstraction / discharge of water on local aquatic environments for regulatory purposes.

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Water: New Zealand Applies Māori Philosophy to 21st-Century Challenges

Aotearoa New Zealand is taking a radical approach to water management — based on Māori principles that prioritize the health of water above all other needs

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Spotlight on Threats to our Groundwater Resources

Why is groundwater important to humanity, and how does it connect to our current global challenges?
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Protecting the Nutashkuan Innu First Nation Community Throughout Flood Events

Localized groundwater solution in Canada safeguards residents situated remotely along the St. Lawrence River
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Safeguarding Groundwater Resources: A View From Denmark

Successful practices to advance sustainable management around the world
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Evolving Water Management to Strengthen Communities

Mitigating flood impacts, conserving water and preserving water resources
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A stewardship approach needed to sustainably address South Africa water crises

Meaningful change can occur when integrating stewardship with practical problem-solving
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