Well-planned and efficient transport and mobility networks are the foundation of economic prosperity. Transport planning professionals can have far-reaching positive effects on society and the natural environment, and can be the catalyst for the transformation of communities.

UK offices with local experts everywhere from Truro to Falkirk, and Wrexham to Belfast
43 43
transport planning experts, making us one of the largest UK teams
600+ 600+
We are sole supplier of highways and transport services to over 20 local authorities
20+ 20+

Transport modelling


Active and sustainable travel

Funding and business cases


Placemaking and street design


Freight and logistics


Inclusive and accessible design


Transport policy and strategy

Demand management

Carbon modelling and management

Public transport advisory

Histon Road improvement

Improving access to sustainable transport in Cambridge.

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Sizewell C

Developing a transport strategy for Suffolk’s nuclear power station.

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Strand Aldwych

Repurposing a busy London road into a vibrant public space.

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Hanover Square Gardens

Transforming the public realm around a new Elizabeth Line station.

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Herring Bridge: opening a new chapter for Great Yarmouth

Our multidisciplinary expertise and partnership approach helped take Great Yarmouth’s new river crossing – a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project – from inception to successful completion in just seven years.

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Falkirk EV study

Promoting the uptake of electric vehicles in Falkirk.

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New Mobility Next

Examining future trends in transport and mobility.

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Solving the urban freight puzzle

How can we efficiently move goods while supporting vibrant cities.

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Rural mobility

Ensuring mobility and access to services in the UK’s rural communities.

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Towards inclusive transport

Ensuring transport is safe and accessible for women.

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Replacing the vehicle fuel tax

Global insights into options to replace revenues from fuel taxes.

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Decarbonising rail

Capitalising on the urgency required to decarbonise rail.

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Chris Dixon
Head of Discipline, Communities and Mobility
LocationUnited Kingdom
Adrian Hames
Director, Transport Planning
LocationUnited Kingdom
Anna Wilson
Director, Liveable Places
LocationUnited Kingdom
Rehan Mian
Director, Modelling
LocationUnited Kingdom