Decarbonizing Bridges: A View From Sweden

Seizing opportunities to reduce carbon emissions through material choices and approaches that support environmental sustainability

Figure 1 – The chart shows CO2 emissions based on data from a 2018 survey made by the bridge department, WSP in Sweden. 
*The data was collected from WSP engineers to reflect the impact of one engineer over a year: in private life, at the office, and from design. “Office” refers to energy use at the office as well as business travel—the latter comprises the majority of the “office” category; “private life” refers to impact from everything done in/part of private life, including home, travel, food, and consumption (products and services); and “design” refers to materials specified by structural drawings for proposed bridges and associated structures.

Daniel Ekström, WSP.
Daniel Ekström
Manager, Bridges, Gothenburg

Johan Lindersson, WSP.
Johan Lindersson
Manager, Bridges, Stockholm