Congratulations to WSP’s Specialist Lighting Design team. They recently received a Commendation Award at the 20/21 IESANZ VIC Lighting Design Awards for their work on 447 Collins Street.

The entrance to the W Hotel with lighting designed to look like the dappling effect cast by light falling through leaves
447 Collins seating illuminated by WSP in Australia's lighting design experts
Looking up at the tower illuminated against the sky by our light design team
Urban placemaking lighting design for 447 Collins Street by WSP in Australia
Use of dappled lighting is a very fun and welcome way to activate the space. The coffered ceiling is beautifully lit and makes the space that much more interesting. Across the board, this is a bold design technique that is very well implemented.
Judges' comments
Atmospheric hallway lighting by WSP in Australia's lighting design team
Looking down on the square's lighting design