Net-Zero industrial clusters

£1 billion will be invested up to 2025 to facilitate the deployment of CCUS in two industrial clusters by the mid-2020s, and a further two clusters by 2030, supporting the government's ambition to capture 10MtCO2 per year by the end of the decade (Energy White Paper).

Why don't process industries make more use of offsite construction?

In process industries, modular build and offsite manufacturing for construction have been talked about for a decade.  Yet serious offsite and modular construction is still not widespread.  Why is this, when other industries have embraced this approach and the benefits that it brings?
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How can industry achieve zero carbon?

Amidst growing public awareness of the climate crisis, industrial organisations are increasingly setting themselves net zero CO2 emission targets. However, many are finding that this is easier said than done: it is a challenge for which there is no single solution.
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Getting value from ESOS

For the Environment Agency’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) to be more than a box ticking exercise, it must be used to build robust business cases for energy-saving projects.
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