Susan Leadbetter, The Gender Equality Changemaker

Transport Planner, Susan Leadbetter, is passionate about inclusivity in the built environment. She believes that engaging diverse groups of people from the beginning will help provide solutions to improve our public spaces and transport. Here, she explains how a study into women’s safety helped inform a sexual harassment campaign published by the Transport for London.

I found plenty of research about sexual harassment in the workplace, but only a couple of studies about sexual harassment on public transport and hardly any information about what makes women feel unsafe.
I didn’t ask any women to go into detail but so many did – they needed a safe space to be able to talk about their experiences. The main reason for not talking about it before was they thought that no one would care.
When sharing my research, women have thanked me for helping to shine a light on this issue, people who never considered gender before are now including it in the forefront of their work, I’ve seen it shared all over social media.