Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant

An Integrated Resource Recovery (IRR) strategy was developed for the Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant and was a first step towards the sustainability of this 68.2 MLD plant. The study searched for technical solutions to derive value from the plant’s waste and to minimize its inputs. The results not only brought focus to the Region, which lead to the IRR option to pursue further into the design and implementation phase, but also immediate improvements with the implementation of short-term solutions.

img-Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant

Aerial view of Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant.

Rated Flow
68.2 ML/d 68.2 ML/d
Peak Flow
180 ML/d 180 ML/d
970 m 970 m
Number of Opportunities Identified
62 62
Number of Opportunities Short-listed
32 32