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  • England, UK


  • BCP Council


  • Footprint Architects

Project Value

  • £2.4M

Project Status

  • Completed

We Provided:

Early input on key decisions affecting carbon
Assistance appointing architect and designing the brief
Structural engineering
Building services engineering
Flood risk management

Early engagement led to better carbon reduction

WSP was brought in early, under our existing framework agreement, which enabled us to inform key decisions that would reduce the design’s embodied and operational carbon. For example, working closely with Footprint Architects, we determined that although the hub’s education and office spaces should be built to Passivhaus standards, its toilets and kiosk didn’t have to be – and so the exhibition space could be moved outside. This reduced embodied carbon in the building’s structure and simplified the process of achieving the Passivhaus standard for the remaining components.

timber used for the exhibition space was reclaimed directly from the seafront
60% 60%
embodied carbon achieved for the whole scheme, scoring an A+ rating
172kgCO2e/m2 172kgCO2e/m2
forecasted regulated energy loads achieved by onsite photovoltaic panels
100% 100%

Our imaginative use of old timber groynes (formerly used to protect the beach from erosion), which were being stored awaiting their re-use, had a huge impact on the project’s success. We devised a process for identifying and reusing the timber that could be salvaged from the groynes, adapting the design and sourcing a contractor who could incorporate 45 tonnes of this material into the building’s cladding, canopy, rafters and balustrade. A further seven tonnes of reclaimed wood for decking came from an old German submarine base, while the primary structure used 21 tonnes of new, sustainably sourced, FSC certified hardwood.