Decarbonizing Scottish Roads

As part of the Scotland TranServ partnership, WSP devised innovative approaches to Trunk Road operations, contributing to Net Zero, reduced disruption, improved journey times and safer roads.

Customer care

To maintain and improve satisfaction with Trunk Road services


To provide a road network that is safer for all users, seeking to reduce risk and accidents continually

Journey times

To provide well-informed and reliable journeys and minimise disruption from roadworks and incidents on the network



To maintain the condition of the Trunk Road asset at an appropriate level

Value for money

To make economic and effective use of resources for road maintenance


To provide an accessible network for all road users



To minimise carbon emissions and promote the use of sustainable materials in road maintenance

Lantern replaced across the South West network
2,000 2,000
Cut energy consumption by
70% 70%
Tonnes of CO2 saved
1,261 1,261
Tonnes of Steel recycled
64 64
Savings over 25 years
£25 Mln £25 Mln

A76 Enterkinfoot Realignment. This project realigned the A76 Trunk Road away from the unstable ground conditions adjacent to the River Nith to safeguard the continued availability of this route to local communities.


  • Scotland - UK