Applying Holistic Approaches to Urban Infrastructure

Achieving wide-ranging positive outcomes for communities

Figure 1

Figure 1 – Photo: Carsten Ingemann – Karens Minde Aksen (Karen’s Memorial Axis) is a large green area that has been revitalized as part of the South Harbor Area Renewal in Copenhagen. It is among the 350 projects in the city’s Cloudburst Management Plan, a city-wide strategy for dealing with extreme rainfall events. Here, stormwater management goes hand in hand with biodiversity as well as livability. The winding brick path forms a river in rain events while acting as a walkway in dry weather. The circle bridge connects the left and the right bank of the area, where there is a high risk of flooding due to the low elevation. Karens Minde Aksen forms a 600-metre-long continuous stretch of park, streets and urban space and covers approximately 37,000 square metres.

Figure 2

Figure 2 – Saw Mill Creek Marsh in New York City – The Saw Mill Creek wetland area suffered years of degradation from human impact and severe storm surge. WSP designed the natural habitat restoration of the Saw Mill Creek wetland area, New York City’s first wetland mitigation bank. The fully functioning tidal wetland better protects the marsh, area businesses and homes from severe weather and the rising sea level.

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