Future Ready

We know that our future world will be very different from today’s in many ways. Future Ready is our program to see the future more clearly, and to work with clients to design for this future as well as for today’s needs.


The future is now

We know from our research across the world that current design codes don’t necessarily account for the future we’re anticipating. With the Future Ready program, our experts are able to help our clients prepare for future realities of self-driving cars, ubiquitous renewables, ultra-flexible places, more severe weather events and increasing loneliness, amongst many factors.



Sharing our insights

By designing for the long – as well as the short term – and by sharing our approach and insights, we progressively help cities, communities and clients get ready for the future. Ready for rapid urbanisation, ready for heavier rainfall and hotter temperatures, and ready for a more connected world. We are thrilled to share our insight and knowledge. Please contact our experts.

Can we plan infrastructure to cope with climate changes?

Rainfall will become more extreme but less reliable, leading to increased flooding, with extreme rainfall events doubled by 2050 in Canada.


Can we build communities to respond to isolation?

One person households are the largest area of growth in the UK. Even as we become more connected, the future could also be increasingly lonely.


Can we design roads and communities to be ready for electric, self-driving cars?

Parking typically uses 15-30% of an urban area. New mobility offers the possibility to revitalize streets and to plan now for how electric cars of the future will be charged.


Future Ready Leaders

Lucy Connell
Head of Brand, Middle East
LocationUnited Arab Emirates
Alan Lau
Contact me