Future Ready

Future Ready® is the way WSP helps clients see the future more clearly and design for it today.

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Still Alone Together

WSP and The Helen Clark Foundation have released an update to the ground-breaking 2020 report Alone Together that looked at the impact of loneliness on the people and communities of Aotearoa.

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Future Ready Case Studies

The Shared Path: people not cars at the heart of communities

How low-traffic areas in Aotearoa’s cities can decarbonise transport, save lives, and create the connected urban communities we need in a post-pandemic future.
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Decarbonising Transport Series

WSP has created a thought leadership series, Decarbonising Transport to support the Helen Clark Foundation The Shared Path released earlier this month.
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Whakahekerau Rakiātea Rautaki Tai St Clair to St Kilda

The St Clair to St Kilda coastline is vital for Dunedin, offering protection, habitats, and recreation. To address climate change and rising sea levels, Dunedin City Council partnered with WSP to engage the community in a climate adaptation plan. Considered future trends included sea level rise, coastal risks, intensified storms, and impacts on biodiversity.

The design process involved collaborative visioning and planning with the community, using various engagement methods like workshops and surveys. Future Ready principles were integrated to build resilience within the community and establish trust among stakeholders. The project significantly contributed to Dunedin's climate adaptation plan, allowing community input to influence funding and priorities.

Recognised for exceptional community engagement, it earned awards for its success at the 2021 International Association of Public Participation Australasia Core Value Awards.

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Western Corridor Water Supply Implementation Plan

Tauranga City Council (TCC) partnered with WSP to plan for the future development of the Western Corridor amid significant population growth. The project aimed to identify resilient water supply options considering Future Ready® megatrends like water and waste management, decarbonisation, and increasing drought risks.

Beginning with a Future Ready workshop, WSP aligned priorities with critical trends, ensuring adaptability for multiple possible futures. Collaborating with local iwi reflected kaitiakitanga principles. WSP's expertise in master planning, resilience, and sustainability ensured timely, cost-effective solutions integrated with existing infrastructure.

The selected proposal provided value for money, met community and iwi needs, and offered long-term benefits to Tauranga. The project's success lies in its ability to address challenges and opportunities presented by Future Ready megatrends, creating a water-secure, sustainable future for the vibrant city.
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Tuhoe Road to Nature

WSP's Research and Innovation Centre, in collaboration with Ngāi Tūhoe, is leading a transformative project for Te Urewera's State Highway 38. Seeking a sustainable, petroleum-free surfacing option, the project addresses the region's connectivity needs while aligning with future trends of decarbonisation and social connectivity.

By prioritising community engagement and cultural sensitivity, WSP developed an innovative solution using a non-bituminous, locally-sourced natural resin as a binder. Monitored test sites confirmed the viability of the new surface, showcasing reduced maintenance and improved performance.

With a Future Ready approach, the project reflects environmental aspirations, community connectivity, and sustainable tourism. As it progresses to its next stage, Te Urewera's State Highway 38 is poised to set an example of environmental stewardship and community resilience.
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Ruakura Reservoir

The Ruakura Inland Port project aims to establish a premier logistics and industrial hub in New Zealand. Hamilton City Council collaborated with WSP to develop bulk water infrastructure for the port, considering future trends like climate changes, population growth, and seismic resilience.

The reservoir design catered for Hamilton's expected growth and provided more water storage during droughts. It was built to Importance Level 4 (IL4) seismic standard, a first in Hamilton.

Integrating Future Ready principles enhanced water network resilience and cost-effectiveness. Staged manifold designs for flow flexibility and recycling surplus materials contributed to a sustainable approach.

The project was completed within a tight three-year timeline, meeting stakeholders' commercial needs and ensuring a thriving community with a reliable water supply.

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Kotuku Apartments

Wellington City Council (WCC) collaborated with WSP to revamp the Kotuku apartment complex, prioritising sustainability and community well-being. The 1963 buildings, housing 104 studio apartments, underwent significant renovation and reconfiguration to meet modern expectations.

Anticipating future trends, the project addressed increasing loneliness by creating family-friendly apartments, fostering social connections. With public transport expansion in mind, WCC transformed private parking areas into communal and recreational spaces.
Innovative 21st-century technology was integrated, updating electrical systems and internet connections for efficiency and comfort. The upgrade also improved weathertightness with double glazing, facing challenges posed by extreme weather.

The Kotuku project received recognition, earning NZIA Architectural Local and National Resene Colour Awards. It stands as an exemplary model of affordable and sustainable social housing, empowering residents to truly call it home.
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Christchurch Major Cycle Routes

Christchurch City Council (CCC) initiated a major cycle routes project to promote cycling as a viable transportation option with safe routes for all ages. WSP led the development of interconnected routes from investigation to construction support, aiming for 80% operational routes by mid-2023.

The design process considered future trends like obesity, decarbonisation, extreme weather, loneliness, and biodiversity. The team engaged schools, communities, and businesses, incorporating their input to make the cycleways attractive and safe for all. Integrating Future Ready principles led to increased cycling uptake, better safety, and reduced carbon emissions.

Native tree planting addressed flood protection and biodiversity, while street enhancements fostered community cohesion and inclusivity, making the cycleways an appealing alternative for various user groups.


Hutt City Council Integrated Transport Strategy

Hutt City Council collaborated with WSP to develop an Integrated Transport Strategy adopted in February 2022. The strategy, aimed at securing enduring community support, addressed key Future Ready trends, including decarbonisation, sea level rise, storm intensity and frequency, changing demographics, health and wellbeing, and new mobility.

Completing a Future Ready checklist and hosting interactive workshops helped identify strategic responses, allowing the project to tackle future challenges efficiently. Specific focus areas involved developing a connected and safe network for active modes, supporting innovative solutions to reduce emissions by locating housing and services close to employment centers.

The integrated approach streamlined the design process, allowing WSP to address issues more efficiently and present them in a global context, reducing costs for the client and ensuring a forward-looking perspective for Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt's transport strategy.

Contact Our Future Ready® Team

Nicole Tucker
Director - Brand, Clients and Markets
LocationNew Zealand
Rowan Dixon
Principal Specialist - Sustainability & Resilience
LocationNew Zealand
Nicola Young
Future Ready® Programme Manager
LocationNew Zealand
Sarah Murphy
Programme Advisor
LocationNew Zealand