A net zero energy strategy for Royal United Hospitals Bath

Our work will help the trust reduce its carbon emissions by supporting decision-making on changes to equipment, buildings and infrastructure.

In our net-zero strategy we placed a specific focus on reducing scope one and two carbon emissions to zero by 2030. WSP’s work will inform how we get there – how we will deliver that reduction through the infrastructure, buildings and equipment we have on site.
Hayley Williams Head of Sustainability, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
We created scenarios to help the trust explore the pros and cons of different options. For example, converting gas boilers to heat pumps and upgrading insulation is expensive, technically challenging and potentially disruptive. Other actions, such as improving energy efficiency in the short term, were technically and financially viable. We assessed all the scenarios against environmental benefits, technology maturity and potential investment needed for implementation.
Alessandro Ciampechini Associate, WSP