Length in kilometres of the Phase 4 Project
48km 48km
Supported on structure rather than earth embankment
80% 80%
Average daily number of motorists during the summer months
10,000 10,000
The most difficult section of the upgrade had been left for this last phase, where more than 80% of the roadway is being supported on structure rather than earth embankment. We’ve worked alongside the province’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to ensure that the new roadway will provide a safe and efficient route for everyone.
Keith Holmes Owner’s Engineer Structures Lead for the Project
What makes this project stand out

Reduced Impacts from Falling Debris

The introduction of new bridges and viaducts, along with retaining walls and catchment ditches, significantly reduce the risk of rock fall and avalanche to road users.

Considerations for Wildlife

The installation of fencing and under-highway crossing areas make it safer for wildlife to roam through the Canyon.

Wide Shoulders for Cyclists

The widening of the shoulders to provincial standards means cyclists can also safely enjoy a ride through Kicking Horse Canyon along the Trans-Canada Highway.