The impacts of climate change, digital transformation and the constant evolution of medical science bring many challenges, but also many opportunities for healthcare designers.

Helping you decarbonize

One of the greatest challenges facing healthcare facilities is decarbonisation. Our experts in net zero have expertise across a wide range range of technical engineering disciplines. We can help with your decarbonisation journey, navigating a roadmap for both old and new infrastructure.

Innovating to net zero

Embracing technology to enable better Healthcare

Digital technology can enhance the experiences of patients, their families and hospital staff. We can help you to navigate your digital transformation journey, from solving complex problems and bringing insights from data, to optimising your facility’s operational performance through digitisation.

Accelerate your digital transformation

Creating flexible and adaptive facilities

To be future ready, the ability of a healthcare facility to flex and adapt quickly to the changing needs of the community it serves is of paramount importance. With this in mind, through their advice and designs, our teams enable our clients to anticipate the potential flexibility of their projects.

Enabling flexibility

Modern Methods of Construction

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) provide a safe, efficient and sustainable alternative to traditional methods. We have been leaders in the adoption of new construction technologies for over 20 years, rethinking offsite construction and incorporating integrated digital design delivery.

Find out our capabilities