Mark Bruton
CEng, MICE, Principal Tailings Engineer
United Kingdom
James Purrington
MSc, CGeol, Tailings Engineer
United Kingdom

Access the technical paper on HDS as presented
at Tailings & Mine Waste 2022

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Design of tailings management facility for Teck QB2 project                                                                

Located in northern Chile, QB2 is one of the largest undeveloped copper resources in the world. When complete, it will be a...

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Polymer Technology Increases a Mines Life Through Better Tailings Management

WSP has been involved in research, testing and real-world application of polymer technology to extend the life of tailings storage facilities.

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Embracing the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management                                              

The GISTM sets out a framework for prioritizing safety throughout the life of a tailings facility, we review four areas we see as key to future...

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