Asset Management

WSP plays a leading role in the development and growth of advanced asset management practices across the globe

Imagine High Performance

Globally, Asset Management is bringing about a paradigm shift in how we care for the critical infrastructure on which we depend upon so greatly. Asset Management is focused on extracting value from our assets. It is about ensuring that we are doing the right amount of work, at the right time, at the right cost, to deliver the right level of service. It is a balancing act between what we can afford and what we need to provide. It is a shift away from reacting to failed assets to more preventive approaches.

High performance asset management drives the efficiency of asset intense businesses and enables them to adopt more economic and sustainable working practices. Case studies and global benchmarks demonstrate significant productivity benefits, improvements in service delivery performance, as well as reducing organization risk and increasing workforce safety. 

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Improving Resilience, Well-Being and Meeting Equity and Social Justice Goals – Through Asset Management

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Maximizing the Value of Green Infrastructure

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Snack & Learn Webinar - New Methodological Approach to Assess Trip Resilience following Disaster

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Shifting Priorities: How Does the Asset Manager Evaluate and Prioritise the Lowest Carbon Option, the Retrofit?

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Snack & Learn Webinar - How to Get Executive Support for Asset Management Change

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Benefits of a Robust Program Structure

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Asset Management in the Context of Energy Transition

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Making Local Councils Highway Infrastructure Asset Management (HIAM) Policies, Strategies and Plans Future Ready®

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Snack & Learn Webinar - Key Components of a Robust Rail Owner/Operator Operations and Maintenance Agreement

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Asset Valuations - Financial and Investors View of Managing Assets

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Data Rich, Information Poor - Adding Value Through Improved Data Management

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Supporting Strategic Business Transformation in Asset Management through Organizational Change Management

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Asset Management Planning for Critical Infrastructure

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Asset Management Maturity Assessment

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ISO-55001 Adoption What is it Who is using it How it benefits us

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Reducing Operating Expenses Through Maintenance Optimization

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Improving Resilience to Natural Disasters and Pandemics - The Asset Management Response to COVID-19

Improving Asset Life Prediction: Degradation Drivers and Opportunities

Improving asset life prediction despite unknown degradation and imprecise failure mode understanding

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Smart Infrastructure Boosts Asset Management

Let’s build a world where digitally enhanced infrastructure enables informed decisions and reduces risk

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Advancing Energy Transition? Count Your Assets Too!

Understanding the underlying role of asset management when planning your energy transition

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Benefits of a Robust Program Structure

Outlining a method for enabling portfolio-wide investment trade off decisions

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Digital Twin-The Journey to Resilient Assets

A human-and data-centric approach to asset management helps extract and protect asset value.

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Value through Asset Management - Defining the real ROI

Establishing an asset management system (AMS)

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Creating an Organizational ‘Ecosystem’ for Effective Asset Management

Five key elements can lay the foundation for building a robust asset management organizational strategy that garners internal support and delivers impactful results.

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Asset Management Prepares Organizations for Unexpected Events

Establishing plans and processes is critical to response and recovery

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Developing Organization Resilience through Asset Management to Respond to COVID-19

How to build resilience within organisations in the time of a pandemic.

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Positioning Edmonton International Airport for the Future

Edmonton International Airport is taking a holistic approach to become a vanguard facility and a hub for business growth in the region.

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10 Questions to Master Asset Management

WSP's Advisory experts list the top 10 questions for a successful asset management process

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Doing More With Existing Assets

Asset management in the mining industry

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Why there is no such thing as maintenance backlog

Challenging the legacy paradigm of ‘maintenance backlog’ in the public sector and proposing a methodology in line with modern asset management standards. 
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Embedding Sustainability and Environmental Benefits into Asset Management Programs

Incorporating asset management programs and actively aligning them with sustainability goals can help ensure a more balanced focus across the entire life-cycle.

Municipal Asset Management Program: Funding for Canadian Municipalities

Strategic asset management is the foundation for asset resiliency and providing sustainable services

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Harnessing Data for Water Utilities, So What?

Taking asset management to a new level to ensure smooth operations, using Orbi INSIGHT

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Digital twins and nudge theory: Water gets a shake-up

Q&A with Tamsin Lishman, Asset Management Director, Northumbrian Water Group

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Martin Gordon
Director, Asset Management
Joseph Wong
Director of Transport and Infrastructure
LocationHong Kong
Jamie Maslen
Technical Executive
Thomas Goodyer
Head of Strategic Asset Management
LocationUnited Kingdom