Rail overbuild

With the debate around London housing still as fervent as ever, how do we move from rhetoric to action when it comes to creating sustainable long-term solutions for growth? Out of Thin Air – One Year On, follows our original research considering the benefits of building over rail lines across London.

Out of Thin Air

Download our initial report for a full background on Rail Overbuild 

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One Year On

Download Out of Thin Air – One Year On for our most recent findings

Key stats

By applying our new methodology, the new homes possible at rail overbuild sites is over
280,000 280,000
Of these locations our analysis shows that the sites highly or most suitable to development is almost
2/3 2/3
The number of new overbuild homes possible within 10km of Melbourne’s centre is
77,000 77,000

Principal Place

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Out of thin air press release

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One year on press release

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Get in touch to find out more

Bill Price, Director, 
Strategic Growth, WSP

Contact Bill