Connected and Automated Vehicles

Connected and automated vehicles (C/AV) have the potential to change all aspects of mobility – from the way we commute to how we plan and develop infrastructure for future cities and towns. How should governments respond? What are the infrastructure and policy changes governments should consider in response to these new technologies? An industry leader in C/AV, WSP USA is working with owners and operators as they consider strategy for the implementation of both policy and technology.

The impact of autonomous vehicles

The large-scale introduction of self-driving vehicles will have major impacts on our urban centers.

Meet our Connected and Automated Vehicles Experts

View playlist: Deniada Nikollari, Brian Reed, Scott Shogan, Steve Kuciemba, and Tom Timcho discuss their work on projects that are advancing transportation nationwide.


New Mobility Now: A Practical Guide

Download our global whitepaper on New Mobility.