Surface Water

Population growth and urban development contribute to both increased quantity of stormwater and the amount of pollutants in runoff causing rapid changes in watershed hydrology and ecosystem balance. Our changing climate has altered both precipitation and coastal storm surge, in frequency and intensity. To address these challenges and more, WSP USA’s water resources engineers and scientists advance Future ReadyTM strategies to plan, manage, clean, restore and protect surface water resources to provide resilience to our communities and ensure a sustainable future.


Ecosystem Restoration

Healthy ecosystems play in a vital role in the management and resilience of our streams, rivers, bayous and coastlines. Thriving water systems drive habitat for fish and wildlife, feed drinking water sources, provide protection from flooding and natural water quality treatment, and support local economies. At WSP, we support the health and sustainability of ecosystems by leveraging expertise in stream restoration, tidal and non-tidal wetland creation, hydraulic engineering, ecology and botany, biology, invasive species management, marine sciences and geomorphology.


Stormwater Management

Urbanization of our watersheds and the disruption of the water cycle by buildings, pavement and piping of drainage systems harms the quality and behavior of surface water. These disruptions change natural hydrologic patterns, accelerate natural stream flows, degrade aquatic habitat, stop infiltration and groundwater interchange, and introduce urban pollutants to runoff. WSP plans and designs the full range of drainage and runoff management solutions needed to support our communities and infrastructure, and to protect the environment from our collective footprint.


Hydraulic Structures and Flood Control

With uncertainties driven by our changing climates, flood control through carefully planned, designed and operated hydraulic structures play a critical role in saving lives and protecting communities. WSP provides complete capabilities for the design of new or upgraded dams, levees, reservoirs and pumping stations. As a multidisciplinary engineering consulting firm, we bring together the expertise of our civil, structural, geotechnical, electrical, mechanical and tunneling experts to provide comprehensive planning, design and maintenance services.


Watershed Management

Integrated approaches that consider the myriad intersections inherent in watershed management provide the best investment for improving surface water resources. The health and function of our watersheds can be compromised by localized problem areas or by widespread impairments across communities. WSP excels at working with communities to understand the complexities and concerns of each area, performing investigations to identify present issues, and developing holistic management plans to uplift the health of our surface water and our communities.


Green Infrastructure

WSP specializes in implementing green infrastructure, such as complete streets, tree canopies and natural stormwater infiltration. By implementing low-impact development (LID) practices, we manage disruptions to the water cycle to reduce the impact of built areas and promote the natural movement of water within ecosystems or watersheds. Applied on a broad scale, LID can maintain or restore a watershed’s hydrologic and ecological functions. We use advanced visualization tools to illustrate the implementation and outcomes of recommended improvements.


Coastal Engineering

Extreme weather events have short- and long-term detrimental effects on natural and built shorelines and can damage public and private property. WSP develops site and region-specific solutions for coastal protection, stabilization and restoration, including living shorelines, beach replenishment, marsh and barrier island restoration, and coastal structures such as wharves, jetties, levees, piers, breakwaters and access channels, and berms and seawalls. Our projects work in harmony with their surroundings and minimize the potential impact on environmental resources.

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