Drinking Water

Pressure on the world’s freshwater resources is greater than ever, with population growth, rising water consumption, extreme weather events and aging infrastructure all contributing to the significant pressure on potable water availability, quality and distribution systems. To secure the availability of this most critical resource in our communities, WSP works with clients to develop economical and efficient solutions for water management, source diversification, reuse and treatment, and adaptation of distribution system infrastructure to withstand future shocks and stressors


Water Supply and Distribution

The world’s water supplies draw primarily from groundwater, surface water, brackish and saline water. WSP offers integrated advisory, engineering and permitting services covering all aspects of the evaluation, development and management of water resources. We have experience in the planning and design of efficient, resilient water distribution systems, as well as alternative source development including advanced aquifer storage and recovery projects that help recharge available groundwater supplies and ensure the reliability of the water supply.


Water Conveyance Tunnels

The advantages of constructing water infrastructure underground have often been overlooked in favor of cheaper surface alternatives. But that is shifting as the long-term environmental, social and economic benefits of large-diameter tunnels are far greater than traditional surface conveyance methods, particularly in urban communities. WSP has one of the longest-standing tunneling practices in the U.S. For nearly 140 years we’ve advanced tunneling technology, shaped the course of tunnel engineering and defined industry practice.


Hydrogeology and Groundwater Supply

The use of high-capacity groundwater supplies has become increasingly in-demand as competing needs for water continue to grow. Groundwater can provide a safe and reliable source of high-quality potable water and is generally more drought resistant and better protected from contamination than surface water sources. WSP has preeminent expertise in groundwater supply assessment and development, well rehabilitation and testing, innovative aquifer storage and recovery methodology, and navigating complex permitting requirements.



Contamination related to failing infrastructure and extreme weather events is becoming more frequent, affecting the ability of treatment systems alone to meet supply requirements. In addition to providing process, structural, mechanical and electrical, and instrumentation and control expertise for traditional water treatment facilities, WSP is actively involved with emerging and evolving technologies. Our integrated teams have partnered with clients on brackish groundwater and seawater desalination projects, and major water reclamation programs.


Dams and Retaining Structures

Dams, which help control river flow, provide water to nearby communities, regulate flooding and produce hydroelectric power, are intricate structural barriers that require thorough planning, design and maintenance. Our clear and nuanced understanding of retaining structures allows our team to support unique client needs with an integrated suite of engineering services, coupled with the latest tools and technology, and a deep knowledge of industry standards in design, analysis and safety, and regulatory requirements and compliance.


Asset Management

Owners and operators of water and wastewater systems are increasingly faced with the challenges of expanding and sustaining safe and reliable services with aging assets and limited funding. WSP assists clients in building integrated strategies to manage capital assets, operating and maintenance tasks and costs and long-term financial planning; to optimize the use of scarce resources to deliver service; to demonstrate that capital and operational investments are focused on the highest impact areas; and to identify the greatest risks and potential failures.

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