Emergency Management


The Emergency Management and disaster response professionals at WSP are ready 24/7/365 when a crisis occurs. Our teams are ready right now for immediate deployments to incidents and disasters at the local, state, and federal level covering all 50 states and U.S. territories.


Preparedness, Training, Exercises and Planning

WSP assist clients in developing and reviewing and updating disaster plans and “emergency toolkits” to manage changing conditions, intensifying weather events, potential cascading impacts and other chronic stressors and acute shocks such as man-made hazards and pandemics. We collaborate closely with agencies and organizations to locate emergency funding sources, pre-position contracts and assets, and ensure vendors of critical supplies and services are at the ready so our clients can make immediate and informed lifesaving and life-sustaining decisions.


Recovery Through Individual and Public Assistance

Recovery from a disaster is a process that can take months and even years, during which services, infrastructure, facilities, and the lives and livelihoods of entire communities are affected. WSP approaches recovery in an integrated manner to help our clients prioritize and execute critical actions and to help communities bounce forward to greater resilience. We perform housing inspections, damage assessment and demolition monitoring, structural investigations and restoration, environmental and remediation services, debris removal and grant funding support.


Disaster Response

Over many years, WSP has deployed logistics management and emergency response teams to help communities respond to disasters such as hurricanes and typhoons, floods and wildfires, as well as chemical and biohazard contamination. With experts in offices around the globe, and a vast contractor network, we respond quickly to immediate needs, providing procurement and delivery of supplies, emergency lighting and power generation, staffing of Emergency Operations Centers, shelters for displaced individuals and mobile care facilities, and hazardous materials services.


Hazard Mitigation, Resilience and Sustainability

In the wake of a presidentially declared disaster, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and other federal agencies provide supplementary grant funding that include hazard mitigation provisions. WSP has worked with state and local governments to secure funding and develop projects designed to strengthen local infrastructure and mitigate impacts from future shocks, including sustainable urban planning frameworks, flood management, and coastal resilience and green infrastructure design.