Reducing water pollution from historic metal mines across Wales

Collaborating with Cardiff University, we designed a sustainable approach to treating polluted metal mine water and are implementing it on the first site of Natural Resources Wales’ nationwide programme.

Information derived from field trials

dissolved zinc removed from the water
>95% >95%
if the precipitate can be sold to industry
0 waste 0 waste
power could be provided by solar PV
0 carbon 0 carbon
Examples of innovative work with industry leading to tangible outcomes, such as this project, contribute strongly to key performance indicators for the academic sector. I look forward to the continuing collaboration with WSP and hope that this project provides a template for how universities and industry can fast-track research to deliver novel technology to clients.
Dr Devin Sapsford Academic Research Lead, Geoenvironmental Research Centre, School of Engineering, Cardiff University
The iterative approach taken by WSP to the development of the treatment solution, in collaboration with Cardiff University, has yielded a small-footprint, lower-cost system that avoids the use of harmful chemicals in a Special Area of Conservation and Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Tom Williams Project Manager, Natural Resources Wales