Treating PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water: Responding to EPA Regulations

As water utilities prepare for federal PFAS requirements, WSP experts counsel clients to assess all options before committing to expensive treatment technologies.


WSP’s design and construction of two treatment systems, which can treat 350 million gallons of contaminated groundwater annually, received national recognition from the EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management, citing comprehensive efforts to protect public health in the Northeast U.S.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is providing water utilities with more than $20 billion in funding options for PFAS treatment over three funding programs.

WSP is working with utility clients to figure out where the PFAS in their water sources came from, who was responsible and how to secure funding to treat the contamination.

Once water utilities understand their situation, they can set a clear plan of action to make sure that they take the appropriate path to protect their water sources.