WSP’s asset management professionals use existing and forecast condition assessment and bridge preservation design services to help our clients optimize the lifespan of their bridge assets through comparative and predictive analyses, emerging technologies, and innovative solutions.

Elevating Bridge Asset Management

DiBAM helps owners and managers of assets develop effective long-term plans and gather the right data for urgent response.

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Disaster-resilient Infrastructure demands Smarter Design

With the severity and frequency of extreme weather events on the rise in the Asia-Pacific region, we need to think differently about infrastructure resilience. How can we embed resilience into planning, design, and repair?

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Chenab Bridge: Connecting the Arch Up in the Clouds

At 359 metres above the Chenab River bed, here comes the world’s highest railway bridge.

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Climate Impact Optimization in Concrete Bridge Construction

How to construct climate smarter versions of standard bridges.

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Decarbonizing Bridges: A View From Sweden

Seizing opportunities to reduce carbon emissions through material choices and approaches that support environmental sustainability.

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