Climate Finance and Sustainable Investment


Climate Investment Strategies

We develop climate strategies, including portfolio, program and project design, to maximize climate benefits and synergies with climate-oriented institutions and investors. WSP’s support for climate strategies in financial and grantmaking institutions, including providing support for organizational, programmatic and investment risk management.


Climate Investment Due Diligence

WSP appraises and structures climate-smart investments such as project-level investments and financial mechanisms — including funds and facilities such as green investment banks — that mobilize private investment for mitigation and adaptation. We perform due diligence for climate-related impact investments and design blended finance solutions.


Blended Finance for Climate

We work with donors and funders to help identify, attract and deploy private capital for low emissions and resilience programs, funds, projects and companies, including organizing public, blended or other patient capital. We also help clients — from entrepreneurs to governments — to access sources of national, bilateral and international climate finance, and to design environmentally and financially sustainable investment and resource mobilization plans.


Climate Risk and TCFD

We incorporate climate risk considerations into financial products, services and operations through the identification, quantification, assessment and mitigation of climate risks in business opportunities. We provide advisory services, trainings and communications products to optimize engagement and build climate risk and resilience solutions.