Reusing and Repurposing Existing Buildings

WSP worked with Ashby Capital and Janson Urban to reuse and grow the existing structure of the Kensington Building, which created larger more effective retail and office spaces while reducing carbon emissions from construction. 

Existing structure reused
>60% >60%
Increase in overall gross area
~45% ~45%
Below current LETI embodied carbon target for structure
40% 40%
First image - 127 Kensington HS

Image on the left shows the parts of the building that were demolished in red and the image on the right shows the new structure in blue. 
Second image - 127 Kensington HS

The areas in blue show where we incorporated the new structure. The left image is of the foundations and shows where we retained the existing foundations. The right image shows the combination of new and existing structure of a typical floor area. 
imgKensington High StreetHuftonCrow