Waterbeach New Town East

At Waterbeach New Town East, to the north of Cambridge, we are designing a place which challenges the dominance of the car and promotes a holistic vision of health and wellbeing. A relocated train station and peripheral car parking will help free up space for pedestrians and cyclists and improve air quality and safety, while encouraging social interaction and outdoor activity. The vision is of a space that combines the best of urban and rural – where you can access everything you need without driving but still enjoy green open spaces and a sense of community. 


  • Cambridgeshire, UK


  • Waterbeach Development Company

Project Status

  • Complete
We are putting the car at a lower level in the hierarchy in people's minds, and making the journey by bike, on foot, or by public transport quicker so people find it is more convenient to leave their car at home
Paula Cuthbertson Associate, Transport Planning, WSP in the UK
Prioritising active travel reduces community severance from busy roads, improving health opportunities for residents whilst creating a place which can pride itself on its livable streets
 Peter Walsh Health Impact Assessor, WSP in the UK