One of the many lessons of this crisis is that flexibility of space is paramount to enable optimum resilience and provide readiness for the unknown. Instead of ‘value engineering’ out everything that makes a project resilient, we should engineer in added value
Suzanne MacCormick Global healthcare lead, WSP
Converting normal patient rooms to ICU rooms is not plug-and-play. You can’t just plug in all the equipment that’s required to keep the patient alive because the requirements are very different
Gary Hamilton Healthcare practice leader, WSP USA
In South Africa, there is a long list of facilities that are inadequate or that needed additional capacity even before COVID-19, but there was no funding available
Jabulile Nhlapo Associate, WSP South Africa
We need to be very specific about the limitations of an area and exactly what it will be able to adapt to
Gunnar Linder Business area manager, WSP Sweden
We need to take more of a life-cycle analysis approach to resiliency decisions. If a resiliency measure costs an extra 10%, does that 10% investment add value over the 50-year life cycle of the building?
Nolan Rome Healthcare leader, WSP USA